I should be writing my article on the
Cardboard Boat Regatta, but I don't want to. Instead, I will share these good things with you, my (surely ) numerous readers!

Unless we're talking
grapefruit, I generally avoid citrus because it is too messy. But these honey tangerines are delicious!! And organic.

Today I got a fall catalog from
Shire Books, a British company that publishes very reasonably priced and short books on a variety of subjects, such as
The Victorian Asylum, one of my personal favorites,
Buttonhooks and Shoehorns, or
Perambulators, "a complete illustrated history of the British wheeled baby carrier,"

This is a delicious tea I just bought by the
Yogi tea company. It is an herb tea, so caffeine free. It has a slight chai taste, but a little more sweetness and spicyness, as the name implies. Mom and Lace--I'm bringing a couple packets for you guys to try.