I could not decide between photos today for my daily photo. I liked them both.
So, I decided to post them both and ask you to vote for your favorite. It doesn't matter what you pick or how many times you vote--just that you vote by making a comment. One comment-maker will be chosen at random (the number has already been picked) to receive a small package of some of my favorite things--It will even come wrapped in brown paper, though I don't know that string is allowed in the mail anymore.

So, vote away!! The contest will end on Tuesday, April 29 at noon.
Daily photo: 4/22/08
Wow, they're both great! But I think I have to vote for the tennis ball. Maybe I'll vote for the other one later!
ball, but it IS tough!
Definitely the ball. I like the pop of color!
I'm with anthony -- stairs (I like the light)
I vote stairs. It seems like a moment of your day which leads to others...
I'm putting in a vote for 'stairs' because I know of your fear of falling down stairs, and this picture gives that sensation, so it has an ominous significance to it.
Puppies (and some kitties, like mine) love to play fetch. Let's go outside and play ball!
My vote is for the stairs, I love the curl at the end of the railing and the light.
Hi Corey,
I've enjoyed your photo a day project.
I would tend to say the stairs because it has great lines and light. But I like the pairing because it makes you go back and forth between the two. The ball is funny because it looks like a wallflower at a party.
That didn't answer the question. I vote ball.
I like the stairs. When my husband and I were looking at houses to buy, I adored all the ones with stairs. I now live in a house with stairs. I now curse the stairs as I run up them 500 times every morning before school because I always forget something...and something else....
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